It’s a new year and a new you.
So what are your goals for the 2022 season? Run a big PR? Well that’s most peoples plan for the year ahead. How can you achieve this?
Planning, training, conditioning, eating well, rest and follow the guidance of someone who has a proven method of this. The recent multiple world record runs have been driven by advancing training methods and combined with obvious improvements in track spikes.

Our plan was designed for 60m, 100m and 200m sprinters by a USATF, USTFCCCA, & NFHS certified coach. Consisting of a pre season and a tapering block the plan consists of a daily workout instruction including circuits, reps and illustrations. The plan is suited to beginner and intermediate sprinters seeking a structured program designed by a professional certified coach. So don’t delay get your 2022 season underway and smash that PR.