When you think of gold track spikes, who comes to mind? Usain Bolt and Michael Johnson no doubt. As track athletes we all want that edge to win, stand out from the crown or even look like we're the fastest even if its not true!

Unfortunately when it comes to these two outstanding athletes their spikes are not the usual over the counter items but usually a custom made design by their sponsor. This is where TrackSpikes.co comes in, we provide a few designs of gold track spikes at unbeatable prices for the everyday consumer and track addicts.
Usain Bolt

The multiple world and Olympic champion always raced in his gold Puma spikes even when he broke 100m world record in the 2008 games.
Michael Johnson

If you're old enough to remember the 1996 Olympic games when Michael Johnson turned up the track in gold track spikes, you will probably never forget the style and sheer flash of the great 200/400m sprinter. Unlike Bolt Johnson opted for the Nike version, the shoe giant tapered the sole of the shoe to suit the bend on the track, design advances way ahead of its time and they paid off.
1 comment
Cristian Camilo Londoño
“Tú puedes no preocuparte demasiado de la elección de tus zapatos. Muchos hombres piensan que no son importantes, pero la prueba real de la elegancia de un hombre es qué hay en sus pies”.
“Tú puedes no preocuparte demasiado de la elección de tus zapatos. Muchos hombres piensan que no son importantes, pero la prueba real de la elegancia de un hombre es qué hay en sus pies”.